Cobit - cob blasting - Log & Home restoration for Seeley Lake Mt. and western Montana
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Cob-it blog

Get Ready For Spring!

It is here! The weather is good, the sun is out longer, and it is time to check for damage on your beautiful log home. Don't neglect the maintenance on your investment. Your log home will last several hundred years if it is kept dry and clean.

Here is a list of things to look for:

1. Dark places indicating rot, water log, or it may be just wet; but where there is water there will be rot. Plan to get the water away from the wall. Use gutters; trim bushes, shrubs and grass away from the house. Make sure the water is not hitting the deck and soaking into the logs! If you have decks that splash rain water onto the logs, it is absolutely imperative to make sure your finish is always repelling water! You can do this on a dry day by spraying the logs with water and if the water balls up and rolls off it is still repelling. But really you should consider gutters to take the water away from the deck altogether!

2. Make sure your logs are repelling water. Use the above method to check. Make sure to stay ahead of the game by keeping the areas with direct sun light covered with a good coat of your favorite finish! A little maintenance can be done easily by most of us, and will make long term maintenance much cheaper. If you can not do it yourself, contact your stain applicator to check for you and ask them about putting you on a maintenance program!

We will continue our spring maintenance in our next blog! Watch those great old logs!

The Total restoration source